Patel Group
In 1905, two Parsi brothers Pesi and Rustom Patel came to Mumbai (then Bombay) to make their fortune. They founded Patel Brothers to trade in cotton and soon became the largest and most successful cotton merchants in India. Later the firm diversified into agriculture, industrial safety, hopitality and engineering

Patel MicroData
In 1984, Cyrus Patel in partnership with Viraf Sutaria established a microfilm business - MicroData, which today provides customers worldwide microfilm related services, media and equipment. We represent Eastman Park Micrographics, Crowley, Indus, Zissor and others.
In 1995, Cyrus and Viraf along with two other partners also founded Automated Workflow a large and very successful Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) organization. AWPL has a 150 + employees and 100 + projects implemented worldwide, mainly in the financial services sector.